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Marie-Hélène FABIANI

A lawyer at the Paris Bar since 2003, Marie-Hélène Fabiani works between Paris and Geneva and specializes in intellectual property, industrial property, and criminal law (particularly as applied to intellectual property). In addition to Gsmart Avocats, a law office in Paris, she is the co-founder and director of Gsmart-IP, a Geneva-based patent attorney office.

She is a former member of the Council of the Bar Association of Paris (2021–2023), where she was a member of the Advertising, Media and Social Networks Commission, the Group Practice Difficulties Commission (CEG—Commission règlement des difficultés d’Exercice en Groupe), the Court Incidents Commission (intellectual property), and the Disciplinary Investigation Panel.

Marie-Hélène is currently a member of the National Bar Council (CNB—Conseil National des Barreaux), the representative body of France’s 76,000 lawyers. Marie-Hélène is the vice-president of the CNB’s Law and Business Commission.

She is also the president of the Association des Corses du palais (Courthouse Corsicans’ Association).

She teaches intellectual property law at EICAR (École Internationale de Création Audiovisuelle et de Réalisation [International School of Audiovisual Creation and Directing]—International Section—taught in English). 

FABIANI MARIE-HELENE - Avocat au barreau de Paris
Maryne GUYOT - Avocate au Barreau de Paris

Maryne GUYOT

A lawyer at the Paris Bar since December 2021, Maryne is a graduate of the Master 2 Industrial and Artistic Property Research program (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University).

Maryne worked at Cousin & Associés, an office specializing in intellectual property, before joining L&P Avocats in April 2022, then Gsmart Avocats. 

Maryne advises and litigates in the fields of intellectual property, unfair competition and competition by misappropriation, customs law, and criminal law applied to intellectual property; she assists both companies and individuals in issues relating to these fields, as well as in employment law.

Maryne has also worked as a consultant for the LVMH Group’s anti-counterfeiting department and as a member of ACE-JA (Avocats Conseils d’Entreprises – Jeunes Avocats [Lawyers for Corporate Clients—Young Lawyers]).


A lawyer at the Paris Bar since February 2023, Alexandra is a graduate of the Master 2 Research program in Literary, Artistic, and Industrial Property Law at Paris II Panthéon-Assas University. 

She started working at L&P in Paris before joining Gsmart Avocats.

Alexandra advises and litigates in intellectual property law and related fields for individuals and companies. 

She assists clients with criminal law issues, particularly as applied to intellectual property. 

Alexandra worked as a consultant in the LVMH Group’s anti-counterfeiting department, enabling her to gain practical knowledge of the issues involved, including in customs law.

Alexandra Mirabelli - Avocate au Barreau de Paris


In Geneva, a team of experts handles trademark, patent, and design registration.